Espresso Coffee + Instant. Unlimited Touch Screen SelectionsRecommended for up to 250 drinks per day.
Espresso Coffee + Instant. 10 'One-Touch' SelectionsRecommended for up to 250 drinks per day.
All Instant Drinks. 10 'One Touch' SelectionsRecommended for up to 250 drinks per day.
Necta KALEA PLUS Fresh Milk Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
Output of up to 36 Litres per hour.
Bean to Cup Coffee + Fresh Brew TeaRecommended for up to 200 drinks per day.
Espresso Coffee + Instant. 10 selections.Max usage up to 150 drinks per day.
SOLISTA is uniquely suited for any application that needs all the features of a fully automatic hot drink vending machine but in a 'table top' size..